April 5, 2010

Getting Inside: Beyond a photograph

Getting as close to something as possible. Getting closer than is possible. Trying to get inside. Exploring the inside.
Conversations recently have been trying to work out what is fascinating within an image when you first see it, and how there is always something curious about getting further within something, zooming through a cross section. What lies beneath the surface? Whether an image penetrates what is usually the un-penetrable and reveals what really would be festering underneath, or indulges in a made-up inner-psyche, there is so much that can be pulled to the surface. Illustrations are not limited by the same parameters of an object, or a person, that a photograph is. In the work of Hans Bellmer "the transparency of his figures allows us to obtain angles, see forms, and note anatomy that, otherwise, would be beyond the reach of our normal vision." (Visionary Revue) We are able to enter the body. Nothing is hidden form us. All potential can be explored. We can access the content in a ferociously, even explicitly intimate way.

"Beauty should be convulsive, or not at all" - André Breton

Hans Bellmer - Drawing.

And -

Jennifer Crouch - (The Jenist Empire) from a series of images included in the publication and exhibition Pending in the Intermediate Lake

Linework can describe a whole person, a whole relationship, a whole situation inside and out. It is possible to demolish the barriers separating the interior and exterior , the real and the unreal. Crime scene (?) illustrations offer an interesting view on a situation. Boundaries vanish, and every angle of every element of every 'thing' can shown on one plane, to get an informed perspective of a scene.

Drawings by forensic illustrator , Tatjana, as she recovered from post traumatic stress disorder just outside of Berlin.

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